A study into voter and non voter preferences and how that may be skewing democracy. Lots of good informative graphics in it.
https://www.politico.com/magazine/story ... lls-113997
2018 investigation into who poor people vote for
Re: 2018 investigation into who poor people vote for
one of roy morgans periodical what are australians concerned about polls
http://www.roymorgan.com/findings/7264- ... 1707071732
http://www.roymorgan.com/findings/7264- ... 1707071732
Re: 2018 investigation into who poor people vote for
https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/4006/5 ... a10c59.pdf
A good article on Australian demographic voting habits, showing very slight bias towards lab (5% if I've interpreted it correctly) for lower income deciles up to about the 6th decile, before it reverses and favours lib
A good article on Australian demographic voting habits, showing very slight bias towards lab (5% if I've interpreted it correctly) for lower income deciles up to about the 6th decile, before it reverses and favours lib