... ecay-35474
Political order and decay
December 14, 2014 7.05pm AEDT
The big take-home message is that there is no inevitable correlation between effective governance and democracy. On the contrary, Fukuyama argues China’s contemporary political structures potentially mean that:
In the hands of good leaders, such a system can actually perform better than a democratic system that is subject to rule of law and formal democratic procedures like multiparty elections. It can make large, difficult decisions without being hampered by interest groups, lobbying, litigation, or the need to form cumbersome political coalitions or educate the public as to their own self-interest.
Various stuff from fb feed
Re: Various stuff from fb feed
‘Where is the government of Nigeria?’
November 28, 2014 6.43pm AEDT
Boko Haram story in Nigeria ... eria-34182
November 28, 2014 6.43pm AEDT
Boko Haram story in Nigeria ... eria-34182
Re: Various stuff from fb feed ... countries/
Includes a good video of Putin talking about ISIS / US and related topics
Includes a good video of Putin talking about ISIS / US and related topics